Tag Archives: pagan

Bonekeeping on the Homestead

I know it has been awhile since either of us have posted anything, a couple months really, but things have been rather busy and well, other things have simply taken priority. However, I have been wanting to talk more about ‘pagan homesteading’ and our current urban-homesteading journey, and again… haven’t found the time. Hopefully posts will come more often now that we are teaching and getting some things underway. Today’s post, is one of Life & Death, and gives a bit of a window into what it means to be a Bonekeeper (my–Wren’s– personal path-title).

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Homestead Diary Entry

July 27, 2015

Two weeks ago we welcomed three young female ducks into our family. Two days ago chicks began hatching underneath the ruffled feathers of our broody hen Golden. And today, today we ended the day honoring the Dead. In the afternoon, upon realizing I had forgotten a sprinkler on, I headed out to turn off the water. And while doing so, had the thought that I should go check in on our two small hatchlings (only two, so we had thought, had hatched out of 12 eggs). As I walked towards the coop, I noticed the smaller coop door ajar for the second day in a row, and then I saw a pile of… something… off to the side of the coop, and for a split second thought it was the red hen that had been missing for two days now. The landowner’s dog skirted by me, head down, tail tucked and slightly wagging. And then as I neared the pile of what was, yes, feathers—and lots of them, I realized it was not the red hen. Nor was it a hen at all. It was one of my ducks. At that moment I began to panic, and could hear no others squabbling as they should be. I rounded the other side of the coop and found the broody hen jammed part way under the coop trying to get into the fence, making quite a ruckus, her two chicks tucked up under her against the wiring instead of nestled safely in the coop where they should have been. Looking past her I saw another pile of grey-brown feathers. A second victim. But where was the third? For a split second I hoped she had gotten away somehow, escaped into the hedgerow. But then I thought… and I opened the larger door to the coop. There lay the body of our third duck. My heart sank like a stone.

Because there were yellow jackets and hornets buzzing around the carcasses, I had to wait until dusk to move them for burial. My anger at the dog began to be replaced by a welling-up of grief. Tears finally came, running down my cheeks. He knew he had done wrong, and I took him up to the inner yard and leashed him to a pole until I could deal with the situation. I was definitely going through the “Stages of Grief”, and pretty quickly. Coming back up to the house my small son met me with worry on his face. “What’s wrong mama?” he asked. And I told him. Because why should we hide the ways of living and dying from our young children? He had already experienced his own dog killing a chicken when we first arrived here, he could know about this. With his adorably simplistic child-logic, he informed me “That’s ok mama, we’ll just go back to the farm and get some more duckies and then everything will be ok.” I didn’t want to make him upset and tell him that no, we probably shouldn’t get more, and just held him and let him hug me. When Midnight came home a short while later and I went to go show him what had transpired, I discovered a fourth body: that of a new chick. I don’t know where it came from, as I hadn’t noticed it the last two days, and I don’t know how it died, but its tiny black and white body lay limp in the back of the coop, and simply added to my sadness.

At dusk came the task of Bonekeeping. However we found that our parched earth, even the ground beneath the massive walnut tree beyond the coop where green grass still grew shaded from the scorching sun, our shovel could not break the surface, and what little digging was accomplished, was interrupted by roots of that massive giant. There would be no burying these feathered creatures here, where we had laid to rest a songbird a couple months before, nor anywhere. And so, befitting birds that were as wild at heart as they were—they had come to us untamed—we lay them to rest on a bed of freshly cut wild blackberry vines at the back of the property along the creek. Buried with them were our offerings—blackberries, plums, and four apples from our trees—to feed their spirits on their journey across to the Otherworld. Another layer of thorny vines atop them, and more fruit, along with a rustic bouquet of Queen Anne’s Lace flower umbels, red clover blossoms, wheat, and a sprig of pink-petal blackberry blossoms.

Father and child left me in the faux-silence of the twilight, to say my words and do my work. At first I could do nothing but apologize. For bringing them here only for it to end in their deaths, for not keeping them safer, for the small chick who had not even known life. Then I breathed deep the intoxicating scent of creek-water and vine-ripening blackberries. I raised my hands, and spoke.

                Befitting creatures of water, we lay you to rest here on the creek-bank.

                Befitting creatures with wild spirits, we wrap you in thorned blackberry vines.

                May they deter molestation by creature, wild or tame, unless that is the way She will take you.

                We give our offerings, harvested from this land that was your home for a short time,

                That they may feed your spirits on their journey Across to the Otherworld.

My Lord of Beasts, please take their spirits into your fold, into your eternal forest. May they be at peace.

My Lady of Bones, devour their flesh, may the earth swallow their remains that they be reborn from the world anew.

May you rest in peace. May your journey be swift.

And as I will it, so mote it be.

And before I walked away, I petitioned the Spirits. “Spirits of Place, please protect them, keep them safe, and aid their spirits on their way to the Otherside. I ask this of you, with many thanks.” Again I breathed deeply the scent all around me. Two wild ducks flew overhead, crickets sang from the hedgerow, the last calls of birds fighting the coming darkness echoed from the trees nearby. And I began to cry again, my heart heavy and aching, my mind weary. Two tears fell to wet my cheeks, and so I wiped them away and flicked them onto the thorny grave before walking away.

Farewell then, dear ones, farewell.”

First Day Home~ Flower, Daisy, & Blue... RIP...
First Day Home~ Flower, Daisy, & Blue… RIP…

January Update: Classes, Our Book, New Items

We have quietly been working on a big project: we’re writing a book! It is going to be an amalgam of our personal spiritual practices with everything from domestic magic to spiritworking, from polytheism to ritual costuming and quite a bit in between. As we work on it, we will be publishing each section as its own ‘article’ so to speak for purchase. They will be available for immediate digital PDF download, but we may also do some limited edition hand-bound and blockprinted booklets as well. Isáine is attempting to create linoblock carvings for each book section, and we want to do inked prints and have them available separate from the booklets as well. We are just finishing up the section on Shapeshifting and getting it ready for sale.


In preparation for the release of our shapeshifting article (and all the others to come) we will be doing a string of posts here and on our Facebook page on the topic. There will be short stories, articles or links to other posts/authors on the topic,  personal recounting and of course Q&A and opportunities to share your own stories for anyone who cares to.  Shapeshifting, though a bit more advanced of a practice, is also going to be one of the first classes that we offer.


We decided near the end of 2014 to start offering one-on-one mentoring and classes as we are able after the New Year. Now that it is now 2015, it is time to get the ball rolling! We are still working on class outlines, setting up online programs/recordings, and arranging spots for teaching in-person locally (Swansboro/Jacksonville, NC), but in the meantime we are available for short one-on-one mentoring sessions on various topics, listed below. If you are seeking information or guidance regarding a topic not listed, please contact us and we will see what we can do to help! There are others we know who may be of help when we aren’t. Message us on Facebook or better yet, e-mail us at: thetwistedtree.shoppe@gmail.com

—–>>To read more about our classes please see our new Page (under “Classes & Gatherings”).

[[ As we finalize class details we will post scheduling there, updates on our blog feed and Facebook page, and in our newsletter. To be sure to not miss any upcoming classes please subscribe to our MailChimp Newsletter here: https://www.facebook.com/TheTwistedTree.Shoppe/app_100265896690345 ]]

** We are also going to start doing short recordings and posting them on Youtube and our blog (here) covering various topics, Q&A/FAQs (send us yours!), how-to’s and crafts, etc. so keep an eye out for those! **

[[ One-on-One Mentoring Sessions ]]

  • Cost~ We ask for a donation of $15-$35/hour, whatever you can afford and feel that our time, knowledge, and service are worth … We accept Cash or Paypal
  • Topics~ Women’s Mysteries, Sacred Beekeeping & Path of the Melissae, Domestic/Hearth Magic, Protection Magic, Basic Energy Work, Spiritworking & Bioregional Animism, Working with Deities/Polytheism, Involving Kids in Practice, Altered States of Consciousness, Sacred Birthkeeping, Shapeshifting, How To: Magical Healing…

[[ Upcoming Classes: Online ]]

  • Cost~ Classes/Videos will range from Free to $25, but we always welcome donations
  • Current Topics~ Protection Magic + Shapeshifting + Altered States + Herbal Medicine Making + Bioregional Animism: Working with Spirits of Place + Intro to the Path of the Bee + Domestic/Hearth Magic…

[[ Upcoming Classes: Local ]]

  • Cost~ Classes will range from $10-$35/person to cover the cost of any supplies, and we always welcome donations. We may occasionally offer a free class, and hold drawings to win a free class!
  • Current Topics~ Protection Magic + Shapeshifting + Altered States + Herbal Medicine Making + Bioregional Animism: Working with Spirits of Place + Intro to the Path of the Bee + Domestic/Hearth Magic…

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And last but not least, we have new items in the shop! Be sure to check them out before they’re gone– limited quantities on most. Custom orders are always welcome! [[ Use Coupon Code: NewYr2015 during checkout for free shipping! ]] *Domestic purchases only, valid through January 20, 2015*

birchwoodaltardiskslemurianfiberlemurianleather rusticwitchhat1

custoomwoodrings_inlay elderberrysyrup

Store Updates & A Witches’ Ball

I know things have been a bit quiet over here at the blog, but behind closed doors we have been busy little bees! Our latest (and perhaps coolest) news is that we were interviewed for the Faith column of a local newspaper, the Jacksonville Daily News. The column editor and a photographer for the paper showed up at our house, interviewed us, and took some photos. The next Sunday our interview was published in the paper, and within two days we had 50 new Facebook Page Likes! Apparently the article has been making quite the rounds, showing up on the Covenant of the Goddess’ Facebook page and even on Witch Vox. We have had almost 200 new page likes and out posts are reaching a lot more people, which is great! The only problem is that because of how Facebook works now, ‘original content’ posts that do *not* have any photos or links in them get seen by an insanely larger amount of people, whereas anything we Share (such as photos from other pages or website links) or even photos we upload to our own page directly are seen by far fewer people (ie. post without photos and links have 80+ views whereas a shared photo, link, or uploaded photo gets less than 20 views). This is really irritating when we are trying to share links to our latest Etsy listings, sharing content that *you* our followers have requested to see more of, or are uploading our own photos directly for you to see projects that we are working on and things we are offering! [[Make sure to check the option to “Follow” and “Get Notifications” on our page, and to check the ‘Pages Feed’ in the left hand column of your home newsfeed page to see content posted by Pages that you have Liked. Also, interacting with the Pages’ content– liking and sharing or commenting on them– shows Fcebook that you want to see more of that Page’s content in your personal Newsfeed.]]

We were in the paper!
We were in the paper!

To read the newspaper article online, go to: http://www.jdnews.com/features/neighbors/working-with-goddesses-helps-woman-find-spiritual-self-1.388415

In other news, the shop has a bunch of new listings up! I will be out of town for the first almost three weeks of November, and we may or may not put the shop on stand-by while I am gone. Custom orders can still be placed, as these take longer to make and ship compared to things ready-made and set to go. Instead of putting the Etsy store in vacation mode, we may leave it open but change our shipping dates– instead of shipping in 3-5 days for ready-made items, we might have them set to ship depending on how close the order is placed to November 20 (when I’ll be back). We shall see! And we will keep you updated. [[I will do a separate blogpost showing our latest works-in-progress and newest Etsy listings so watch out for that!]]


And last but not least, updates on the Witches’ Ball. In case you haven’t seen it, there is a new Page on our blog called “Witches’ Yule Ball” up in the top navigation bar. Click that and you can see what we are planning for the ball, dates (December 20, 2014), etc. and is where you go to purchase tickets (through a secure Paypal checkout). Tickets are available on a sliding scale– you pay what you can. We also have an option for those who have more to pay more and purchase a ticket for themselves and for someone who can’t afford one at all. All proceeds go to the cost of the event, and any left-over funds will be donated to a (to-be-determined) charity of some kind. We are finalizing our venue (currently looking at an outdoor location with camping and bathroom facilities) and will keep you updated (look for updates in our upcoming Samhain newsletter. Click here to ). We are in need of sponsors/donations! See the event page for more info on what we’re looking for and need assistance with.

Involving Kids

Catechism For A Witch’s Child

by J.L. Stanley

When they ask to see your gods
your book of prayers
show them lines
drawn delicately with veins
on the underside of a bird’s wing
tell them you believe
in giant sycamores mottled
and stark against a winter sky
and in nights so frozen
stars crack open spilling streams
of molten ice to earth
and tell them how you drank
the holy wine of honeysuckle
on a warm spring day
and of the softness
of your mother
who never taught you
death was life’s reward
but who believed in the earth
and the sun
and a million, million light years
of being.

This post is long overdue, but being a parent– life often gets in the way of things like blogging. This post was spurred by a few things, namely seeing some other pagans/witches discussing whether or not prepubescent children should be involved in magic and ritual, or even exposed to it at all; and also just based on my own experiences with our toddling son.

In regards to the former, it actually stunned me quite a bit to see people discouraging others from involving children, or even exposing them, to their religious/spiritual/magical practices. But I think that this stance is based in the fact that many of us who consider ourselves pagan and/or witches were raised Christian. Many of us (I could comfortably say most of us) were raised from infancy in the faith of our parents, who in most cases vehemently pressed such beliefs upon us and forbade us (directly or indirectly) from studying and/or practicing other religions. And for many of us, the shift from Christianity (or similar monotheistic, patriarchal, majority-religion) to paganism and/or witchcraft was a rough one. Some of us were lucky and had parents who supported us in our journey (I was not one of those lucky ones, quite the opposite). But the majority of us have been imprinted with this natural tendency to shy away from the idea of ‘teaching’ (read: forcing) a religious or spiritual practice on our children. And I understand this, but I don’t agree with it.

There is a difference between raising a child surrounded by your faith(s)/practices and involving them in it and encouraging their spiritual growth– wherever that may lead them, and telling your children that they must follow these set beliefs, are required to participate in these certain practices, and are discouraged from/forbidden from learning about, studying, or practicing any other beliefs. And this doesn’t just apply to Paganism vs. Christianity. It can also apply to various Paths within Paganism… yes I am talking to those of you who may practice a “white-light, harm none” path whose children may grow up to practice Luciferian Witchcraft, or Voodoo (and vice versa). We should treat our children the way we wish our parents had treated us: raise them in a healthy, open-minded household, and encourage them to learn about other spiritual and religious practices and support them if they decide to follow some such path.

My son helping me smudge some new items from the thrift store.
Our son helping me smudge some new items from the thrift store.

We are raising our son to have a healthy respect and deep reverence for the earth and its inhabitants, to be aware of and connected to the cycles of the world around us and our part in the web of life, to know that magic and spirits are real and encourage his own psychic abilities, etc. We involve him in ritual and magical practice whenever we can– and he is only going on three. He loves to help, and even if he doesn’t quite understand why we’re doing something, or what something means, he can understand some things to an extent, and is being exposed from an early age. When he talks to something that is ‘invisible’ to mama or daddy, or points at things flying about while daddy is meditating with the Owl spirit, we pay attention and listen and encourage him. We don’t tell him nothing is there, or he is making it up. When the dark scares him, we ask why. We don’t say there’s nothing there, just because we can’t see it. When I smudge new items, or give offerings to the Spirits, he helps me. There are so many ways to involve small children in ritual and daily practice. Especially if you yourself can blend the mundane and the sacred, your children are already programmed to be this way. The possibilities are endless. Children can help with their own altar, can learn meditation at a very young age, they can help with smudging (being careful of embers of course) and offerings, they can be taught old folk tales and rhymes (this is common in Waldorf-style education) for everything from greeting the sun to baking bread to talking about the moon or Autumn. You can teach them about the seasons and where their food comes from– and to give thanks for it– from a very small age. Pray over your food with your children, in your own way. Mealtime prayers aren’t just for Christians, and praying over food and water blesses it for your consumption and can be a chance to give thanks. Take your children outside every chance you get, let them touch trees and put their toes in the ocean. If they suddenly want to say hi to a tree in a parkinglot, encourage them. They can sense that spirit, and want to connect with it.
Learn from your children, follow their lead.

My son giving offerings to the Spirits at the Spring Equinox.
My son giving offerings to the Spirits at the Spring Equinox.

This Patheos blogpost has some good information on ‘planning’ (or rather, the lack thereof) of ritual with small children, of following their lead, and ritualizing everyday activities. As children get older, of course they can be actively involved even more. And I feel like this should be normal, and their curiosity and skills cultivated. Children are always learning, and learn by example. Try and surround yourself with other pagan families, and celebrate together! Take your kids on forest-walks together, teach them about mushrooms and trees and meditation. Do pagan-y crafts and child-friendly rituals. Older children can be given roles in ritual. And as they get older, they will grow more curious, and you can teach them about other religions past and present, different, spiritual practices, etc. Take your children to events and gatherings! We just took our son with us to the Central NC Pagan Pride and he did wonderfully, and there were other small children there as well. (However if we go next year to vend and teach, he might stay home with grandma.) There are tons of resources out there and stories/blogs about pagan families and involving children in practice, and don’t be afraid to share yours!

We’d love to hear about how you involve your children in your magical practice, leave a comment below or send us an e-mail. We’re also looking for contributions to the Pagan Parenting column of our newsletter [provide us your e-mail to be added to the mailing list!], and have an on-going blog post compiling pagan homeschooling and pagan parenting resources, here.

Pagan Homeschooling & Parenting Resources


Crone to Lily_forblog

This is going to be an on-going post updated as I find new information, resources, and websites to add to it. This is partly for my own records, but also for sharing with others. Our son is only 2.5 but it is never too soon to start “education”. We are keen to the “un-schooling” movement, and I am also a fan of Waldorf education, and being homeschooled myself for a time, I have a fondness for it. We will probably be doing a blend of styles, potentially enrolling him in a Waldorf school or group, etc. when the time comes, but we as an eclectic pagan family want to raise him in a nature-honoring, animistic and spiritual way while also teaching about other religions and cultures, science and mathematics, philosophy and astronomy, arts and bardcraft, writing and storytelling, etc. etc. If you have any resources to contribute, or experiences with any groups/sites etc. please leave us a comment!

Random lists, groups, and resources:

      http://www.pinterest.com/blissfaery/craft-y-kids-pagan-parenting-homeunschooling/ [This one actually has a lot of resources and books]








http://homeschoolingonashoestring.com/homeschooling/methods/curriculum/ (homeschooling on a budget)






Waldorf Style:


Earthschooling (through the BEearth Institute of Education, a preschool through G8 [plus high school add-on] DL school):


Charlotte Mason Method of Homeschooling:

      (very Christian but can be adapted, and free) http://www.amblesideonline.org/

(with a pagan-spin) http://delaney-smith.net/school/Year_1/

Classical Method of Homeschooling:

    “Books such as The Well-Trained Mind (which is my main resource for curricula and homeschooling) and The Latin-Centered Curriculum are both unabashedly Christian. However, this method originates with the Pagan writer, Martianus Capella, who developed the system of the seven liberal arts that comprised early medieval education.” (Quote from http://witchesandpagans.com/EasyBlog/curricula-for-pagan-homeschoolers.html).

Non-Religious General Online Learning Sites:

      http://www.time4learning.com/ (preschool through 12th grade)

http://www.abcmouse.com (age 2 through early elementary)



Pagan Parenting



http://parentingbythelightofthemoon.blogspot.com/2010/07/links-every-pagan-parent-should-have.html [Includes links to magazines, educational resources, crafts and activities, etc. AND links to pagan-parent meet-up groups.]


http://www.janetcallahan.com/shopping/ebooks [Pagan Parenting in the NICU]

Books and Activities for Kids in Pagan Families




Picture Books for Pagan Families: Autumn Equinox

Picture Books for Pagan Families: Lammas

Picture Books for Pagan Families: Summer Solstice

Picture Books for Pagan Families: Beltane

Picture Books for Pagan Families: Samhain

Picture Books for Pagan Families: Spring Equinox


http://www.pookapages.com/ [Themed around a young witch named Elsie and Pooka her cat, including coloring pages, recipes, esbats for kids, kid’s BoS, and other activities for pagan children].

http://www.rayneannastorm.com/english.html [printable coloring pages for things such as sabbats, zodiacs, Book of Shadows, etc.]

Welcome to Our Corner of the Wyldwood


From clutteredgypsy.tumblr.com
From clutteredgypsy.tumblr.com

You have been walking for some time now, so long that you have forgotten, in fact, where you have come from or where you are going. You have traveled from the sea, over rolling hills and mountains with their snow-capped peaks reaching towards the stars. At last your trail has brought you to a forest. As you walk along the deer-trodden path, you realize that you have surely left civilization behind you. There seems to be no touch of man in this place. The trees grow strong and thick of trunk, their boughs creating an ever-denser canopy above you, letting little sunlight through. You see sign of beast and bird as you go along, and every once in awhile you meet eyes with a large buck before he bounds off into the underbrush. Birds sing all around you as they eat berries from the bushes that line the way. Rabbits peak their twitching noses out from underneath the fruit-heavy branches, they themselves dining on the bounty within their own reach. A sense of calmness envelopes you as you walk, and you begin to daydream. Suddenly you realize that the sun is kissing the horizon, and you know not where you are nor where to set up camp for the night. Most of the creatures have gone silent. An owl beckons to the coming night from its tree, golden round eyes glowing in the dimming light of a dying sun. A chorus of frogs erupts from somewhere near by, so there must be water, you think to yourself. The frogs are singing the sun to sleep, and with the cover of the canopy above, it grows darker faster than it would have otherwise. Your pace quickens as you scan the darkness for a place to make your bed and light your fire against that which comes with the darkness. You spot a clearing up ahead, and as you burst through the treeline you find yourself upon a cottage. White-grey smoke curls up lazily from the chimney and a candle lights a window where a black cat lounges on the sill, its tail twitching. You push open the small gate and follow the stepping stones past mammoth sunflowers, lavender bushes, blood-red poppies, datura trumpets and foxglove bells that are all now quiet– the bees have gone to sleep in their hives for the night. The scent of moonflowers greets your nose and you look around you, spotting them crawling up a trellis leading into another garden space. You take the path to the right, which leads to what you assume to be the front door. Knocking, you hear a woman’s voice call out from within.

“Come in, Traveler, if you mean my house and kin no harm. For friends and weary wanderers there is ale and bread upon my table and a bed by the fire.”

You gently turn the knob and swing wide the heavy oak door, that you now notice is etched with runes ’round its edge. The scent of fresh bread and drying herbs greats your nose and you breathe deeply. Stepping across the threshold, a tingling skitters across your skin as you pass through the home’s ward– it has allowed you to enter unharmed. Shutting the door and the sudden chill of the coming night behind you, you are greeted by the warmth of a hearthfire and the smile of a woman, hair of dark brown and fox-red, a babe upon her hip; as well as by the curious gaze of a man, skin like the dark night, who is seated already at the hardwood table with spoon in hand, about to take a sip from what smells of lamb and thyme in a rich bone broth. After a pause, he finishes bringing the stew-laden spoon to his mouth, closes his eyes momentarily as he savors the meat and herbs, then opens them once more casting his gaze your way. Still silent, he nods, and looks to his wyfe. She sets the baby down on the bench beside his father and begins to ladle stew into a wooden bowl, placing it on the table at the seat across from her husband. “Sit, eat, drink,” she says and pours a hornmug of ale for you. Hunger overcoming your hesitance, you drop your bag by the door and sit at the place she has set for you and begin to eat. 


This blog will be a collection of magical musings and experiences, original stories, and store updates from two wytches– owners of the budding business The Twisted Tree~ Apothecary & Occult Shoppe. Our workings, writings, and business reflect the kind of magical practitioners that we are. Be prepared for ‘darker’ things upon these pages– things of bone and blood and dark moons and deep ocean. But also things of the green earth, of the sun moving through its cycles of spring and summer, fall and winter– of dark sleep, rebirth, returning, high reign, and decline once more. We will speak of shapeshifting, flying ointments, charms and curses, bardic storytelling, priestess-hood and polytheism, bioregional animism, spirits, and more; as well as share store updates, coupon opportunities, contests, information on custom work, etc.

Welcome to our corner of the Wyldwood~



